Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zucchini galore (and beans soon!)

The garden is in full swing!  Vegetables are being picked and others are coming up right on their heals.
When I visited the garden on Tuesday the zucchini had just been harvested the day before.  But fear not!  If the numerous flowers are any indication - there will be many more in the near future.

The beans are also gearing up to be harvested very soon.  I saw lots of beans growing and many more blossoms to keep the gardeners busy in the near future.

Ah.... but all is not well in the garden.  The corn is being invaded.  Evidently us humans at NCS are not the only ones awaiting a scrumptious corn on the cob treat (and they are not as patient)  Get ready for a big EEWWWW!!
 Yep - the Japanese beetles really like the corn.  They have eaten the silk off of every ear and it doesn't look like they will stop there.  Does anyone want to guess what those yellowish spots on the leaf above the beetles are?  I think we will be seeing more beetles in the weeks to come.

Overall the garden is looking great.  The bountiful growth on both sides makes you think about how much watering a garden really needs and how much water would be saved when that water comes from a faucet instead of rain barrels.

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