Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mary, Mary, quite contrary... does your garden grow?

Here is a series of photos showing how the NCS garden changed over the course of the summer.

What changes do you observe over time?

June 8:

June 28:

 July 12:

 July 18:

July 23:

August 2:

August 5:

August 17:

August 31:

Here's a (sort of) "time lapse" video using most of the above photos:

Video Clips

What were YOU doing on your last day of summer vacation?

We know what this family was up to!!

Learn directly from four current and former NCS students about the data they collected at the garden.


Last Family Data Collection

Thanks to the help of many NCS families, we now have a summer's worth of data, photos and videos! We'll be working to upload some of these to the blog, and will also be making use of them with the students at school.

Here are some samples of the fabulous work done by the Monson family just yesterday (August 31):
(Click on the photos to enlarge them.)

The whole garden:

This side of the garden was watered only by natural rainfall all summer:

This side of the garden was also watered with water from our rain barrels:

Do you observe any differences between the two sides?